With football season coming to an end, I’m getting very sad. I am a huge fan of ‘tailgating’ food and watching the games on the weekends… like I have to rediscover what to do on weekends when it’s not football season, I dunno. Wings are one of my favorites to munch on while watching the games. I LOVE the original buffalo flavor, but also love trying new flavors and sauces on wings. And now… I’ve found a new favorite!
I made these a few weeks ago during the NFL playoff games (go Panthers!), and dressed them up with an awesome Korean sauce from Hillary at HillReeves.com. She has some amazing looking Korean Fried Chicken on her site, so I decided to use her sauce on these crispy oven-baked wings. I’m pretty new to Korean flavors, but I LOVE gochujang and adding it to whatever I can! I’ve made some wings before called Chicken Wings with Angry Sauce from one of my Food & Wine Cookbooks. It’s a favorite wing recipe, and such a simple sauce, and Hilary’s version is very reminiscent, and super delicious!
This really was my first time baking wings by myself, and I can’t believe how perfectly crispy they turned out. I found the technique from Nagi at recipetineats.com. My only mistake was forgetting to oil the cooling rack that I had the wings sitting on in the oven — make sure you don’t skip this step because my wings STUCK.
I made enough for Rocky and I. He had all of the flats, while I took all of the drums (even though the flats are my fav too). When Rocky approves of something, I know I did it right. While he just had them plain with no sauce, he ate every single bit, and he’s a very picky kid! The wings were crispy enough for his liking, and the sauce made them exponentially better in my opinion! I LOVE spicy, and these were very spicy, but were balanced out with the sweetness of the honey. Thanks for the inspiration Hilary… she knows her stuff. :) While you’re here, go check out her blog at hillreeves.com, she has a ton of other Korean recipes as well as a whole baking section (which you may be missing out on with my blog! ha!)