These bananas were a late night snack after realizing we have about nothing in the house! Greg googled something and ended up watching this Youtube video and so this banana/ice cream concoction was CREATED! The sesame seed and banana combo was a little strange-sounding at first, but they give the bananas some texture — I’m not a banana person in the first place. Usually the only way I’ll have a banana is in a smoothie. The taste is delicious, but the texture is what gets me, ever since I was a kid. But these sesame seed bananas — Yum!
First, melt butter in a medium skillet over medium – medium/high heat. Add bananas. Add your cinnamon, nutmeg, and sesame seeds.
Lower heat, add bananas and cook in butter 7-10 minutes until a light outer layer becomes crispy and starts to brown.
Remove from heat and serve over ice cream (optional) with chopped almonds or any other topping of choice.
The almonds in the picture aren’t toasted, but TOAST THEM for the best flavor!!

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