I’d like to welcome Jennifer Meyering from JenniferMeyering.com with her awesome smoothie recipe. I am a huge smoothie fan, and I realized my blog was lacking in the smoothie department… and this one is so easy and flavorful! I love her beautiful recipes and vibrant photography. She also blogs about fitness, blogging, and DIY projects. After you check out this smoothie, go check out the rest of her recipes HERE!
Hey there all you gorgeous Square Plate readers – Jennifer here from JenniferMeyering.com! I’m so excited to be posting over here on Whitney’s blog today! I have to say that I’m a big fan of hers so this is definitely a treat for me. Let’s get started, shall we?
Whitney and I talked and we decided that it would be great for me to give you guys one of my favorite smoothie recipes – Cherry Banana Smoothie. It’s sweet, tangy, and perfect for just about any occasion. Especially those warm spring and summer days that are just right around the corner, at least I hope for me and this crazy Michigan weather we’ve been having lately. Freezing and in the 20s one day and then 60s the next day. Seriously, what is going on mother nature?
Anyway, I am a big fan of smoothies and protein shakes (you can tell by the large amount of recipes I have here). They are just so perfect for after a good workout, a busy morning, a quick snack, or when you don’t really know what else to cook. Because that feels like me all the time with kids and owning my own business and blogging, I feel like there are just never enough hours in the day.
So smoothies are my go-to and bonus that my kids love them. Actually, just about everyone loves a good smoothie, don’t you agree? And I can guarantee that this cherry banana smoothie is sure to satisfy. I ended up using frozen cherries in this recipe because cherry season isn’t until July here, but if you can get fresh cherries then go for it! I know as soon as cherry season hits, I will be stocking up… just like every year.
Hope you guys enjoy! Be sure to check me out on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest for the latest and greatest.

If you liked this recipe, visit JenniferMeyering.com, or follow her on the following social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, YouTube or RSS.