When you have an excess of fresh berries — or if you’re on some sort of berry kick (which is me this summer), then these quesadillas will make you super happy.
They did it to me!
Crepes are a once-every-few-month feat for me now-a-days. I love trying to perfect them, and seem to keep falling back to Alton Brown’s recipe (see it here). For these, I made the sweet version with Amaretto liqueur.
Since, it’s so EASY to make your own whipped cream, I decided to make some and jazz it up a bit… with some mascarpone cheese! I just added a little of the cheese, but it adds a smooth texture and subtle creaminess.
The berry compote is a super simple mix over medium-high heat. I cook this down at least 20 minutes while my crepes are in the process of cooking. — or while I am trying to manage them. Stir the compote every 5 minutes or so. It should be done about the time all of the crepes are finished. If you need to thicken the compote, add a little cornstarch + water mix (equal parts). It will also thicken when it cools down a bit.
I feel like I never fold crepes the same way… Since you should want to avoid the mess when eating these, I would suggest using a fork. I made these into little quesadillas and cut ‘em like they do at Taco Bell! Ha! (But these taste about 340 times better than their quesadillas!)
Anyways, I hope you have been enjoying fresh berries this summer — give this recipe a try. It’s a new favorite in my book!