I must say, I was pretty freakin happy with this little breakfast (dessert) here. I’ve been meaning to make crepes for a while, and I’ve only made them a few times in the past, but finally decided to jazz ’em up and take some pictures. I only had so much to use in the kitchen, so tried to get a bit creative. I found Alton Brown’s recipe for crepes to get some inspiration (because we all know hes a genius), and I sweetened up his basic version with some sugar and Amaretto.
I needed something serve on or in them, and figured bananas were the perfect option… mainly because they were about to go bad, and would have probably *not* gotten eaten any other way. When in doubt, add some booze, sugar… and brown butter? YES. The sauce was heavenly in these crepes. The mild almond flavor from the crepes + the warm cinnamony-rummy-brown buttery-banana-y — well, you see where I’m going with this! These were AMAZING. Melt in your mouth kinda stuff.
I added some toasted almonds to the middle to give some crunchiness and made some whipped cream for the center and top. Then I drizzled some more caramel (I think this tipped it more towards the dessert side of things rather than “breakfast”), but whatever.. it was a weekend, so why not wake up with some dark rum and amaretto :) — make a mimosa too, for good measure!

I chopped the bananas about 1/2-1/4 inch thick to make them not disappear in the sauce.

Here’s that brown butter-banana-rum sauce that I could have just DRANK (or is it drunk?! whatever).