So, ever since I’ve been blogging, I’ve been paying a little more attention to all these ‘food holidays’… there’s literally a food holiday like every single day.. or almost – sometimes even two or three! I don’t know who comes up with them, but it’s kinda fun to realize “Oh, it’s National Pizza Day (Nov 12)” or “Hell yes, It’s National Margarita Day” (Feb 22 — mark your calendars!) or (one of my favorites) National Shrimp Day (May 10)… seriously — Google National [insert food here] Day … and Google may just have an answer for you!
Or just head to a National Food Holiday website like this one and find out what day TODAY is! These holidays give you a reason to indulge (usually) … even though I normally don’t find out until the DAY OF.
Anyways, February 16 is National Almond Day, and I have a WHOLE buncha almond recipes for you to drool over. I never was a fan of any type of nut when I was growing up… I was super picky… but I’ve grown to love the very diverse ALMOND. You can use them in savory and sweet dishes, and they’re amazing when they’re toasted, sprinkled on top of sweet treats, mixed in a trail mix or ground up for a batter of some sort. Oh, and they’re healthy. What’s not to like?!
Also, I love almond milk, which is just strained ground up almonds + water. I’ve never made it myself, but I have included a recipe to make your own almond milk below. I’ve used it in smoothies, but it also makes a great pancake [surprise!] — to view my Almond Milk Pancake (one of my favorites), click here. Or check out my Almond FLOUR pancake recipe here! Anyways, enough rambling, you came to see all these recipes that will make you DROOL. Behold, 40 amazing recipes (along with some beautiful photos) to celebrate this great holiday!!

Homemade Almond Milk from Jennifer Meyering