Ok, I am totally not a ‘hearts’ and butterflies and unicorns kinda girl, but since Valentine’s Day is coming up, I turned on my girly side and got some inspiration — really I didn’t even plan on these coming out the way they did, it just kinda happened.
I, like any girl on the planet, am obsessed with Target, and always have to browse through their ‘dollar spot’ — it’s right near the front door.. and everything is super cheap, and cute. They’re marketing geniuses I tell you. Anyways, I found some little heart cookie cutters in their Valentine section. I’m not much of a baker, and don’t own many cookie cutters, but these were THREE FOR A DOLLAR. I couldn’t pass it up, right?!
I figured they could come of some use one of these days. That day came way before I expected…
I got some inspiration from Paula Deen’s Red Velvet Sandwich Cookies from Food Network, and used her basic red velvet cookie recipe. Now, I said I wasn’t much of a ‘baker’, so I made the mistake of not separating the batter enough on my pan (DUH.)… so when they were finished baking, all the cookies edges were touching… and I’m kind of a perfectionist, so this kinda made me mad… but whatever, I decided I’d just work with it.
I decorated them with some nice frosting stripes and put my cookie cutters to work! I waited until they cooled, striped them all with the RumChata cream cheese frosting, and THEN cut each of them out with one of the heart cookie cutters I had! YAY! I was excited with the way they turned out even though I had a bunch of random ‘rest of cookie’ on the pan. I was ok with that though, because they were freakin’ TASTY. I suggest that you just make them round like a normal person, just make sure you leave enough room between each cookie — learn from my mistakes! The cookies were super light and fluffy, like little mini-cakes, and tasted SO good, I thought they were even better the next day. I kept the bag of random ‘rest of cookie’ pieces because they just tasted that good… I hated to waste ‘em!
I changed up Paula’s frosting a bit by substituting her vanilla for RumChata — since I was drizzling, I wanted to make it a little bit thinner. She used the ‘frosting’ as a filling stuffed between two cookies, but I just wanted a light drizzle.
RumChata, if you haven’t heard of it, is a rummy-creamy liqueur that’s used in a lot of different specialty drinks. Until now, I’ve only had it in a Fruit Loops shot (or more) from my friend who’s a bartender… after some friends’ wedding a few summers ago.. and let’s just say it was a very (non)memorable night… That’s the last and only time I ever drank the stuff, but I recently had to buy some because I DO remember that it was absolutely delicious — and I thought it would be super fun to cook with!